With the Freedom Convoy under pressure, CSIS uses antifa to dox and honeypot Freedom Convoy, without justification. CSIS or The Canadian Security Intelligence Service has contracted this duty out to Aubrey Cottle, AKA “Kirtaner”, a known federal asset. Kirtaner has a self admitted history of working with various police or intelligence services, from the RCMP, to the FBI, to French “authorities”, to Interpol (not the band). Kirtaner began targeting the Freedom Convoy immediately after The Freedom Convoy assets got seized and banks froze accounts, indicating active coordination. This is a Hyphen-Report exclusive, no outlet has dared to touch the “third rail” of a Western intelligentsia’s attempts to smother this burgeoning movement.
The Manifesto
Kirtaner wrote a manifesto explaining why he hacked the Freedom Convoy Givesendgo, to “stop an insurrection”, prevent “foreign political influence” and to “stop truckers from terrorizing cities”. Rich, an FBI operative crying over foreign political influence… Russia totally funded the truckers bro!
Naturally, Kirtaner wrote the manifesto talking to the federal government as if it were a 1-on-1 conversation, desperate for their attention.
“Government and law enforcement need to consider the possibility that some of these folks may not simply be ordinary truckers who are fed up with masks and vaccine mandates.”
The video is overlaid with a scene from the animated Disney film Frozen, stamping out dissent as against the regime is so quirky. A delusional rant can be read on screen, including the names, doxes, work emails and info on dozens of Freedom Convoy donors. Kirtaner fiendishly begs the viewer to harass the trucker supporters, then threatens further attacks. If you still doubt it’s him, he openly bragged on twitter about screwing around with the domain. Read the text version of the manifesto instead of giving him attention, right here.
Update: Youtube has taken down the original manifesto as of 2022-02-18
Interestingly, Kirtaner also rants about Patriot Front. He cites their Washington protest as a way “trucks” can be used to spread fascism. He then fails to understand the difference between a Uhaul truck and a semi-trailer truck. Eventually, Kirtaner concedes “Yes, it did end up being peaceful” in regards to the Washington protest, before rambling about fascism. Kirtaner admits in his own manifesto that he wants to shutdown legal peaceful protests and oppose democracy. Is Kirtaner expecting them to put nazis into their huge trailers like they’re moving illegals? Truly, trucks are, *taps microphone*… vehicles of fascism.

From political cartoon, to unironic unhinged leftist hot take.
American Intelligence CSIS uses Antifa to Dox and Honeypot The Freedom Convoy
Kirtaner is a proven federal asset, denounced even by his fellow comrades for it. He’s posted his own CSIS investigational records on twitter, bragging about being a obedient yuppie. That’s not to mention he ran a image board named /pedo/, “as a honeypot” for federal authorities. Kirtaner denies hosting any child porn content, but then immediately contradicts himself saying he warned new staff about CP. This scumbag regularly swats even his own “comrades”, attempting to murder them. His saving grace being his usefulness to governments, as to escape any repercussions. How many people in the Freedom Convoy has he swatted already?

Protip: wear sunglasses while reading this, because it glows like the surface of the sun
This isn’t the first time the loudmouths in the media and government pushed rhetoric hard enough to enable antifa terrorists like this. The media creates a strawman, the government runs with it, status quo loving psychopaths use it to hurt innocent people. Kirtaner, an avowed FBI agent, wants to complain about foreign influence in Canada while directly harassing innocent donors. How dare you not want to be vaccinated, you deserve no freedoms! First, the Trudeau regime starts freezing bank accounts associated with the protest. Then this antifa kid diddler swoops in to personally identify them all and give journalists ammo just to make sure their lives are fully ruined.

“Every Canadian just lost all their political freedoms but since i’m a fed, that doesn’t matter”
Media, Government and Antifa Destroying Lives to Stop Dissent
This was only possible because the media engaged in stochastic terrorism. They demonize a group of people simply dissenting, when in reality they’re just looking for employment to support their family. The media pushes the boogeyman, then antifa has to twist the whole narrative to create a conspiracy it’s a crypto-fascist coup. Kirtaner regularly gets platformed (with no pushback) on mainstream media such as Vice, The Atlantic, etc. How can anybody take the guy who doxed himself well claiming to be “anonymous”? With that autistic grin particularly, the one only actual people on the spectrum who don’t know how to smile do.

Autism speaks
To clarify, Givesendgo is totally at fault here. Kirtaner exploited a Amazon S3 bucket leak had been noted prior back in 2018 by a hacker who left a note. That doesn’t justify the Canadian and US taxpayer funding foreign agent crackhead antifa sex predator with a black stepson attacking actual democratic freedoms. Over 46% of Canadians support the trucker protest, like it or not that’s a huge section of the working class. Now, the lives of those working class people will be ruined because they supported a freedom protest. Thanks Comrade Cottle.
The Future
First the media cried. Soon after, the government took away your power to donate politically, then they froze your bank account. Then they towed your car away, then they stole your life-savings. After that, a state intelligence asset posted your address online, then antifa showed up to your house. From there they called your place of employment after posting your name online, from there your life is ruined your life. You were part of an insurrection because you challenged the government. Protesting on a large without consequence is no longer a reality. American and CSIS uses antifa to dox and honeypot thousands of political donors, Canadian and American.
The system is against us totally and it’s more than obvious, do not misfire like January the 6th or this Freedom Convoy if you’re going to challenge power. Otherwise, you will face all the pain, with none of the gain. It’s all or nothing, because the regime is too fragile for dissent. If this is the enemy, we will be victorious.
Update: Kirtaner has now privated his twitter account
Heres his twitter. This came shortly after this article exposed him. It seems that he’s unable to defend his own actions and has withdrawn from twitter to avoid an incoming monsoon of criticism.
[…] The video, overlaid with a scene from the Disney film “Frozen,” exposes the names, emails and donation amounts of dozens of Freedom Convoy donors. […]
Aubrey Cottle 2-112 Buckingham Ave Oshawa Ontario +16478691395
I think it’s this apartment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvRv-wHZiIk
He is such a loser that his wife left him pregnant and he cannot see his son:
I neglected to mention he’s failing to meet all of his child support payments as well, quite the deadbeat dad.
So that is the perfect person for a government to hire who’d be willing to do something highly illegal and highly unethical for a relatively small amount of money.
Kirt don’t have a black son. Nor is he dating Libby. He decided to roll with a story he was dating libby. Everyone that was around that told him to cut the shit out. Guess not.
You decided to neglect a lot of these convos of more recent of him being called on his shit by multiple parties to make a little article about him to just get a few hits of your shitty website here.
Libby has never used crack/meth for the record as well. Your reporting is shit. So is the security in your website too.
–Signed by you wish you knew–
**important update** useful idiot and contemptible retard/fake revolutionary who works with the government to destroy the lives of working class dissidents did not smoke crack/meth and does not have a black son. Thank you for this important update.
Great job getting out the truth, thank you
[…] https://www.hyphen-report.com/csis-uses-antifa-to-dox-and-honeypot-freedom-convoy/ […]
So you are reporting on an egregious act such as doxing individuals and their families for simply supporting a cause they believe in and you include the video with their names and personal information in the post? WTH?!
fuck you are retarded… he’s already come out on twitter with this name.
“So you are reporting on an egregious act such as doxing individuals and their families for simply supporting a cause they believe in and you include the video with their names and personal information in the post? WTH?!”
Don’t be a fag. Everybody knows you don’t snitch. It’s not like these people were surprised that someone was going to find out who and where they are when they were sitting around stroking their micropenises trying to figure out how to completely destroy the lives of people whose peaceful and harmless political views and goals they disagree with. This guy,and people like him,intentionally take food out of the mouths of people’s kids and put whole families on the street. They swat people,they organize violent mobs to assault them,they have peoples’ bank accounts stolen, they attack old people and little kids,people’s pets. They have absolutely no internal limits on their own behavior and you don’t think they should be punished for doing that? I mean,the state isn’t going to punish them. The state loves snitches. And the ordinary citizen isn’t going to do anything to them,despite their false claims of being under,again, some sort of vague “threat” from right-wingers because they are either retarded enough to not understand or care or they support what these people are doing because they do a Chicken Little about how their targets are “dangerous” in some vague way before they target their innocent victims with criminal harassment,actual terrorism, and property theft/destruction.
And it would be one thing if any “right-wing fascist” had any intention of actually doing anything violent or even harassing,but they don’t. The “right-wing fascists” this guy is targeting are just people who want the same rights and freedoms they had when they were growing up and are peacefully complaining about douchebagels like this dude taking them away.
These are innocent and peaceful people this guy is criminally harassing. I support punishing him,and those like him,with every legal means possible until the justice system is reformed enough to apply the laws equally to left-wing extremists as they do to Jan 6th protesters and charge people like this guy with criminal conspiracy,rioting,and in some cases sedition and mete out the legal punishments on the books for those crimes that it has no problem meteing out to those on the right.
[…] an exclusive written by the independent outlet Hyphen-Report, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) reportedly contracted Cottle to target the […]
“With that autistic grin particularly, the one only actual people on the spectrum who don’t know how to smile do.” – You utter cunt. This guy is not on the spectrum and many of his videos show that he is just a plain vanilla psycho, who is laughing and smiling all the way. You conflated the two. And you abuse the entire autist community in the process. If anything, the majority of autistic people have a much better grasp of truth and justice (than you) but I guess you just see autism as a useful term of abuse in your ignorance. Cunt.
we here at Hyphen-Report support the ethnostate accepting retards
No wonder even Canadian law removed the child from his care. Pedophile likely. I vote him most likely to die by “Suicide by Cop” – his open bragging is his mental illness begging for a terminal showdown.
[…] some claim that Cottle was hired by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) specifically to hack GiveSendGo and to leak […]
[…] some claim that Cottle was hired by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) specifically to hack GiveSendGo and to leak […]
[…] some claim that Cottle was hired by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) specifically to hack GiveSendGo and to leak […]
[…] some claim that Cottle was hired by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) specifically to hack GiveSendGo and to leak […]
[…] stunts, only to do what they want with no push-back. The left and Canadian government itself is willing to dox you, ruin your life, hurt your family and brag about it, what aren’t they willing to […]
“THE COURT ORDERS that…persons remain at liberty to engage in a peaceful, lawful, and safe protest
Not sure if you’ve seen this but your reporting on this is being quoted by the more-or-less normie-friendly Catholic outlet, Lifesite news. Interesting!!
[…] everything possible to coverup this antifa terrorist attack in Winnipeg. Canadian intelligence is contracting antifa to honeypot and dox 90,000+ donors of the Freedom Convoy. Was the Emergencies Act invoked to manage the peaceful Freedom Convoy? Or rather, to limit leftist […]
[…] everything possible to coverup this antifa terrorist attack in Winnipeg. Canadian intelligence is contracting antifa to honeypot and dox 90,000+ donors of the Freedom Convoy. Was the Emergencies Act invoked to manage the peaceful Freedom Convoy? Or was it to limit leftist […]
[…] saw a similar operation in February, when Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner was hired by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to hack GiveSendGo and to leak the data of […]
[…] saw a similar operation in February, when Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner was hired by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to hack GiveSendGo and to leak the data […]
[…] saw a similar operation in February, when Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner was hired by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to hack GiveSendGo and to leak the data of […]
[…] saw a similar operation in February, when Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner was hired by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to hack GiveSendGo and to leak the data of […]
[…] of a hacking scheme against Christian-based crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo. The hack attack allegedly involved the Canadian […]
[…] part of a hacking scheme against Christian-based crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo. The hack attack allegedly involved the Canadian […]
[…] la plataforma cristiana de financiación colectiva GiveSendGo. El ataque de pirateo supuestamente involucró al gobierno […]
[…] contra la plataforma cristiana de financiación colectiva GiveSendGo. El ataque de pirateo supuestamente involucró al gobierno […]