The following article was submitted to the Hyphen-Report by Allyson M, co-host of the Dissident Housewives podcast and founding member of the female-oriented dissident group, Evergreen. The article was penned in response to the reversal of Roe v. Wade, pondering the impact it will leave on an already fractured and crumbling United States.
On Friday, June 24th, at approximately 10:15 AM EST, the nation exploded with a combined frenzy of blissful elation and hysterical, unhinged headlines reacting to the reversal of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. The response to the decision was dramatic and immediate. Pro-life organizations and the Catholic Church wept tears of joy while various parties on the left shrieked psychotically into the void. Political and moral analyses began flying around at the speed of light while right-wing dissidents debated the political utility and moral implications of either celebration or discontent.
By and large, the political impact of this reversal is not immediately relevant to us as dissidents. Our people do not get abortions. The decision can best be described as an opioid cocktail designed to lull the normie right-wing back into a dazed state of complacency. At the same time, the anti-White government can take advantage of the distraction to sneak additional insidious rulings through the back door while no one is watching. While it may be the case that the abortion argument isn’t the most relevant political issue for our cause, it bears noting that its social and societal implications are pervasive and far-reaching.
Women have been taught for nearly a century that they deserve more, which is true in some cases. For example, women and children being granted legal protection from abusive husbands and fathers is an objectively moral concept. However, the maliciousness that slithers through the cracks of modern feminism is undeniable. In a continuous and escalating manner, women have been taught, nay indoctrinated, that they are the same as men. It began with voting rights and the right to own property, which taken at face value can appear benign. Still, the utterly depraved and deranged response to this recent blow to abortion rights was always the logical conclusion of the women’s rights movement.

Just some examples of the character on display at Roe v. Wade protests taking place across America.
It is not enough that women have the same rights as men under the law. The staggering pressure that women feel daily to compare themselves to men—to measure up to the performance of men in every category—is a biological affront to nature that cannot be overcome by forcibly legislating equality or by initiating enough “awareness” until the desired result is achieved.
This reality is devastating to the liberal-minded woman. Pregnancy and childbearing are physical components unique to a woman’s body—a burden that men cannot possibly ever share with them—and this alone causes a form of psychosis and dissociation when forced to confront it. The compulsive obsession with modern concepts of equality and sameness has distorted their perception of reality.

Photo: New York Times
In a world where women are taught that everything must be shared by men and women 50/50 (interestingly, this does not apply to inconvenient and dangerous professions like oil drilling or deep sea fishing), it’s no wonder that remembering the biological reality of reproduction causes lapses in cognitive functioning. Nothing is a more powerful reminder of this than pregnancy. After all, men can have all the unprotected sex they want and will never risk permanent alterations to their bodies. Men can literally walk away from an unplanned pregnancy in a way that women obviously cannot. How is this fair? How can men have the audacity to lack the same reproductive organs?
What’s more, the myth of the gender pay gap asserts that any differences between the average pay of a man and a woman are due to discrimination and not to naturally occurring career choices or time off work related to pregnancy or child-rearing. The idea that an unplanned pregnancy could lead a woman to underperform financially compared to her male counterpart is also rage-inducing. In an age where sex is a hedonistic indulgence rather than a bonding experience for married couples, babies become an unwanted byproduct. The sexual revolution taught women (and men) that there is no need to safeguard sex and that anything goes if it feels good and makes you happy.
We are living with the devastating effects of this subversion of human sexuality, which manifests itself in many intended ways.

Infographic courtesy of
The reactions we’ve seen so far from the reversal of Roe v. Wade can in no way be described as sane or normal. On the contrary, women are having very public and extraordinarily visceral mental breakdowns. On social media, they are engaging in self-harm, publicly threatening the lives of right-wingers, church-goers, politicians, and judges. They are brawling in the streets with police decked out in riot gear, assaulting pro-lifers with coat hangers, and dismembering baby dolls on camera. In short, this is a mental illness.
Now, of course, these behaviors are coming from the worst of the worst. The reactions of more “normal” women are not nearly as dramatic, but they are still manifestations of a delusion that the aforementioned subversions have brought on. No sane or just society would see women physically harming themselves and behaving like animals upon learning that they can no longer murder their unborn babies out of convenience. The existence of abortion, however, has long since surpassed “unfortunate reality” or “impossible decision” and can only be described as zealous, gleeful murder. The loss of the right to kill unborn babies can only elicit a response like this in a country that is sick beyond rehabilitation.
State-sponsored mental illness begets government intervention. The social conditioning of women to internalize this subversion of reality causes them to look where they always look for validation: to the government. They depend on the state to reinforce their altered perceptions, and the lapse of that reinforcement that occurred Friday was destructive to their worldview.

This is your brain on modern, j-left feminism.
Politics aside, the implications of Roe v. Wade are extensive for us because it is more evidence of the work that must be undone to reverse the damage that has already been dealt to the collective mental health of women. It started with the introduction of expanded rights, but the endgame has always been the elimination of gender to undermine healthy families completely. To overcome this, we have to understand the mechanisms by which it was brought into existence in the first place.
Ultimately the heart of the abortion debate is delusion, not finances, choice, compassion, or any other mental gymnastics-derived justification. These fantasies supersede a woman’s natural affinity for babies and desire for motherhood. It guts the essence of womanhood and leaves behind an angry, mentally ill husk of a person who seeks validation and restitution that can never come because it simply does not exist.
It’s been fun and, admittedly, indulgent for many of us to take this win and revel in the jaw-dropping displays of hysteria. After all, we all love it when the hoes get mad. Ultimately, however, we must remember that politics is only a piece of the grand puzzle that we are meticulously reconstructing. The spiritual sickness latent in the modern female mindset is profound, and this is a problem for a movement that works to venerate healthy families.
*The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Hyphen-Report. Any content provided by our editors or anonymous authors is of their opinion.*
[…] he comes off more like a “creature of habit.” He seems very concerned about the recent overturning of Roe v Wade which he worries will be “deeply destabilizing for our country.” When a […]