Based on a recent Gallup poll, American views have shifted dramatically against more immigration – by 10 points in just two years. Increased opposition was observed in responses from both Republicans and Democrats as well as those not aligned with either party.
These trends have been relatively consistent since the mid-1990s. Prior to that, support for immigration remained at 7% since Gallup began polling on this question at the time the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was passed. This piece of legislation was also known as the Hart-Celler act, named after its sponsors, Philip Hart, who was not Jewish, but was a longtime supporter of Zionist causes, and Emanuel Celler, who was Jewish.
In parallel to the dramatic bipartisan shift against immigration, encounters with illegal border crossers at the U.S. southern border have increased fourfold. In June, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reported 207,416 illegal encounters, the highest number since 1960.
This comes as many in the media, including the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent, who is Jewish, and Paul Waldman, who is also Jewish, tout, without evidence, the benefits of more immigration.
Sargent and Waldman supported a significant increase in “high-skilled” legal immigration to meet the demands of reshoring efforts following the passage of the Chips and Science Act which would devote hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuilding America’s manufacturing base. Reshoring and rebuilding American manufacturing apparently isn’t for the people who already live here, let alone native-born White Americans. According to Sargent and Waldman, immigrants will “be key to rebuilding the manufacturing base”.
Sargent and Waldman’s frustration with not enough immigration was directed not only at Republicans and Trump-era immigration policies, but also at the Biden administration:
“Democrats have committed their own serious offenses on immigration. President Biden kept too many of Trump’s border policies in place and has been derelict in honoring commitments to refugees and asylum seekers, also seemingly wanting to avoid hard debates about this issue.”
If Jews in America find both Republican and Democratic immigration policies so offensive, why are Jews in America?
The Jewish duo at the Washington Post concluded their piece by saying:
“But now that the parties are chummy on rebuilding the industrial heartland, can’t we have a debate over how immigration might at least fit into that?”
There was no debate when Emanuel Celler, who was Jewish, railroaded his Immigration and Nationality Act through Congress despite virtually no support from the American public. This is because LBJ, Celler, and Republican Philip Hart promised Americans that the act would not change the demographic makeup of America. They knew if they told Americans the truth, it would have never gotten out of committee.
Ezra Klein, who is Jewish, recently wrote in the New York Times that a middle-class lifestyle is out of reach for so many because there isn’t enough immigration.
Incredulously, Klein lays out a roadmap for putting the middle-class lifestyle back in reach by increasing legal immigration to meet worker shortages:
“There are some early glimmers of what that might look like … much of it is aimed at the affordability crisis that predates the rise in inflation. It includes legislation that would ease worker shortages by raising legal immigration…”
In an interview with Larry Summers, who is Jewish, Klein asked Summers what his vision would be for increasing economic capacity.
Summers response:
“I think probably the greatest scope in the horizon that you spoke about, Ezra, is probably immigration policy, where if we could find a way to admit substantially more, particularly, but not only, high-skilled immigrants into the country, I think the benefits in terms of growth would really be very substantial.”
Mona Charen, who is Jewish, wrote in The Bulwark that we need an America First immigration policy.
However, for Mona, America First means putting the country’s needs first, not its founding stock (White people) or even its native-born inhabitants:
“Where is the outrage that we are turning away highly-skilled immigrants who could make the difference in our competition with China? Wouldn’t an “America first” policy capitalize on our desirability as a destination for the talented instead of slamming our doors? Wouldn’t we be welcoming those who will create the key technologies for the future, like artificial intelligence?
Those workers would be driving trucks, administering IVs at hospitals, cleaning hotel rooms, picking vegetables, and designing software. They’d be starting businesses (immigrants are 80 percent more likely to do this than native-borns), paying taxes, and caring for the elderly. And, by the way, they would be helping to bring down the overall price level.”
In an almost mocking tone, Mona closes by asking a few rhetorical questions which tie the undesirable symptoms of an economy managed almost exclusively by Jews to a refusal by White people to simply accept the Great Replacement as canon:
“How do you like this immigrant-starved America? How do you like the shortages, the inflation, and the poor service? Because this is what comes of nativism.”
In the Austin American-Statesman, Russ Apfel, who is Jewish and works in partnership with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), declared that America’s refugee resettlement infrastructure must be restored:
“As a volunteer leader of Austin Jews and Partners for Refugees, I see the love, compassion and sincere care that Austin residents show newcomers every day … we must restore our resettlement infrastructure. That means increasing the number of people we welcome, since funding is directly tied to admissions.”
Whether it’s legal or illegal immigration, high, low, or no skill labor, Jews in America have every facet of only one side of the debate covered. They will only accept unfettered immigration and will force it upon this country whether the people who aren’t just in America but are of America have a say so or not.