All across the West, the evidence of a major societal collapse continues to rear its ugly head. From astronomical levels of rising ethnic violence in our major cities to complete degradation of public faith in our once trusted institutions, America, and by extent, the entire Western order has never been closer to an implosion.
I used to think something so catastrophic wouldn’t materialize in my lifetime, but if trends continue as expected, I can no longer assume that with confidence. But the evidence of such is not all high gas prices, murders on the front page, and grocery store inflation woes. The decay runs much deeper in America, and in places you would likely never look. Take, for instance, my favorite bellwether for collapse: the prison industry.
Sure it may be one of my favorite whipping boys—made manifest by a five-year stint as a corrections officer in the State of New York—but analyzing Corrections, and its many woes and structural inadequacies I find is never a waste of time. On the contrary. The lockup is a perfect litmus test for the health of a civilization, for what is an empire without the ability to penalize those who lash out against its very own dictates? What good is the concept of “law and order” if the order is weak, tepid, or in many cases, non-existent?

NYCD Rikers Island in Queens, N.Y
Take, for instance, the hilariously corrupt New York City jail complex, Rikers Island, the 400+ acre madhouse whose reputation as a wild west of inmate manipulation and gang violence has never failed to make headline news. Yet, despite the near-limitless controversies, neo-liberal power continues to pour millions of dollars into the upkeep of this embarrassing ethnic dungeon ($1.2 billion in 2022), and it serves more to delegitimize the sitting regime than fulfill its intended use as a correctional facility. With debilitating staff shortages, virtually unchecked contraband flow, and a constant wave of despicable inmate behavior, Rikers Island has often been the target of looming threats of closure since ex-mayor Bill DeBlasio proposed the idea a few years back.
Just last year, the department was forced to shutter its most controversial building on the island, the Otis Bantum Correctional Center, an intake unit more akin to a Turkish dungeon than an institution built so close to the heart of global capitalism. At Otis Bantum, new inmates were forced to sleep on dirty concrete and use plastic bags for makeshift toilets. Up to 26 men were being crammed into holding cells for long periods, and when city officials made visits, many were whisked away to the inmate gym to keep up appearances, as one would sweep a dust bunny under the rug. Conditions in this facility were so horrid that when mesoamerican State Senator, Jessica Ramos, walked a tour of the building, one inmate tried to hang himself with a city-issued bedsheet. While Otis Bantum is officially closed, its replacement, the Eric M. Taylor Center, has adopted the same issues as its predecessor, highlighting the systemic issues that power willfully turns a blind eye to!

Living conditions at Rikers Island Otis Bantum Correctional Center before it was closed. Imagine the smell.
In other areas of Rikers, things aren’t any brighter! In the Robert N. Davoren Complex, inmates with illegally obtained cellphones (one of the most controlled pieces of contraband in the American correctional system) recorded “world star hip-hop” style TikTok videos of violent beatdowns on hapless gang opposition. Videos of fatal overdoses were recorded as well, while others used the banned devices to shoot footage of makeshift house parties where inmates would dance to rap music, drink toilet hooch, and openly do drugs without security being the wiser. At the nearby Anna M. Kross Center, one motivated inmate even stole a bus full of fellow inmates before crashing it into a wall.
And who can forget the time when thirty-five-year-old Jason Dauble, a serial burglar, was mistakenly released one day after he had begun his 20-month sentence! No, this isn’t a scene from Mike Judge’s Idiocracy; this is everyday life at Rikers Island and a real-life event that occurred in 2021.
But the most embarrassing incident occurred in July of last year when a desperate inmate stole an officer logbook and began making his own entries. In it, the inmate listed long diatribes which complained about a shutdown in facility services due to his housing unit being completely abandoned by security staff. The inmate openly clamored for basic necessities like sick-call visits, mail, medication, haircuts, and a working unit fan. As a reminder, the Attica prison riot was originally started over much less.

The inmate entries in a correctional officer logbook stolen at Rikers Island.
One would think that with the amount of money being flushed into the administrations of these facilities, problems wouldn’t be worsening, but they are! While one could correctly point to the disgusting behavior of the supermajority black inmate population for creating many of these disorderly scenarios, you also have to consider the jail’s ongoing battle with perennial staffing shortages. The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly exacerbated the problem of finding willing bodies to show up for work consistently. Covid restrictions and policies stemming from them have only granted Officers across the industry a discreet way of escaping the everyday nightmare that has become the workplace. On any given day at Rikers Island, one thousand corrections officers fail to show up to work, opting to fake sick rather than tackle the violent black warzone brewing on the job. This wave of unscheduled blue-flu “bang-ins” has now created a snowball effect, where those who do show up for work are sometimes forced to work double or triple shifts in unsafe work environments multiple times a week!
But Covid isn’t the only problem that has affected staffing. Liberal, anti-White policies that favor black criminals over the authority of security personnel have all but destroyed an entire profession and created an unpalatable hostility towards workers. Jail and Prison administration, who treat inmates with a velvet glove and workers with a flanged mace, are also to blame. In 2021, 42 of the 555 newest recruits to the NYPD were those who had left the Department of Corrections seeking a better career. It turns out “New York’s Boldest” would much rather be one of “New York’s Finest.”

A Correctional Officer at Rikers Island in the aftermath of getting splashed with human feces. Gee, I wonder why people don’t want to work in this career? 🤔
Despite the slew of problems, Rikers recently avoided being turned over to federal custody after threats from federal prosecutors. If the plan succeeded, it would see the entire complex run by federal authorities seeking to mitigate the controlled disaster that it is now. New York City Mayor, Eric Adams, continues to double down on a list of proposed fixes for the troubled institution, including removing unlimited sick leave for officers and reducing seniority-based postings. Still, time will tell if any of these plans will be effective. If officers are willing to try their hand at playing NYPD and risk being killed by blacks with guns, I highly doubt that making the workplace more oppressive will woo them back into the crumbling facility where they’re so desperately needed.
“All I say is give me a chance, give me a chance. Give me a chance. We have witnessed how others have failed, now give me a chance. Let’s work together…That’s my message to all those who are critiquing Rikers,” Adams pleaded during an unrelated event in Brooklyn.” – Diversity Hire NYC Mayor Eric Adams
The situation is just as grim just a few hundred miles north of Rikers Island. In the New York State Department of Corrections, where convicted inmates carry out longer sentences all throughout the region, staffing issues are just as bad, if not worse. In a Department that has long leveraged the White working class of rural upstate New York to carry out its mission of warehousing diverse third-world miscreants, the promise of pensions, benefits, and job security can no longer entice recruits to join up.
After a recent discussion with multiple contacts still working the beat in various New York State supermax prisons, I learned that during the last Academy session, only eight recruits (out of hundreds) managed to show up for their first day of training at the Albany Training Academy. This jaw-droppingly low level of recruit participation has caused the State to postpone its classes until more recruits can get through the sometimes lengthy onboarding process.

A NYS Correctional Officer looks through his state-issued binoculars trying to find a single, solitary reason why he shouldn’t just quit tomorrow.
To alleviate this crippling lack of manpower, NYSDOCCS, in all of its Solomon-like wisdom, has since made the personal fitness (or PT) portion of its Academy curriculum completely optional. It has also removed the mental aptitude test that was once required before being considered for employment. While the decision to obliterate what few standards that Department had left might entice more non-Whites into tackling their convicted co-ethnics, unfortunately for the minions in Albany, this ultimately means NYSDOCCS still can’t entice enough fat retards to don a blue shirt. The decision is proving to be far too little, too late for a system spinning more plates than it can ever hope to count.
But the crisis hasn’t stopped there. In 2021, the New York Governor Kathy Hochul officially announced her office’s intent to close a select few upstate prisons for their low inmate populations and constant status as being critically understaffed. While on paper, the idea makes sense; why continue to pay for prisons if they aren’t being utilized? But, in reality, the only reason inmate populations are so low in these ghost town facilities is that blacks are simply not going to prison at the same rates as they used to. With anti-White “woke” policies like cashless bail reform—combined with Covid early releases and the unwillingness of NGO-funded District Attornies to prosecute non-White crimes—blacks are finding it easier and easier to skirt prison altogether. Instead, they’re winning their cases in court at the behest of Bronx juries, having their charges dropped completely, or in many cases, simply getting away with their crimes scot-free.

Chubby mestinx maniac Richard Rojas killed one and injured twenty during a vehicular terrorist attack in New York City, but even he was spared having to go to jail.
These failures are not isolated to New York alone. In states like South Carolina, Governor Henry McMaster signed a bill into law that lowers the age of Correctional Officer recruits to eighteen, essentially condemning White teenagers to wither and die in tropical dungeons for a slave’s wage. In Pennsylvania, the Northumberland County Jail in Coal Township is in a state of intermittent lockdown after the jail’s workforce dwindled down to a measly 35 of 85 total employees. In Colorado, staff shortages have become so bad that civilian teachers and social workers have been conscripted to carry out the duties of Correctional Officers, shattering their shitlib ideas of uplifting these poor victims of White supremacy. No matter where you look, the situation in America’s prisons is dire, and it all points back to egg on the face of power.
“It’s all wrong,” said Brackmann, speaking as a member of the Colorado WINS union. “I’m a teacher. Teachers shouldn’t be doing that.”
But it’s not a testament to the success of these prisons that inmate and guard populations are so low, and it’s not due to sudden benevolence from the State. It’s also not due in part to a grand awakening of White corrections officers demanding workplace satisfaction, as I alluded to in my book Livin’ the Dream. Instead, it’s merely a consequence of j-left neo-liberal power running amok on White society and a sign that yet another of America’s institutions is teetering on the brink of much wider permanent collapse.
With the total degradation of common justice all throughout the country and with an exceedingly hostile elite treating its majority population of White taxpayers like indentured servants and second-class citizens, will there be such a thing as prisons in the coming decades? Will we, as a society, continue to adopt the notion that a prison is a place where criminals, convicted by our like-minded peers, be sent for their crimes against the innocent? Will victims and their families continue to trust these institutions as a place where their justice can be actualized long after the court battle has ended?
As long as this systemically anti-White system is embroiled in a never-ending crisis of legitimacy—one which places jewish wars for Ukraine and the rights of blacks to wantonly commit crime over the most basic desires of everyday White people—I believe that we could very well see the idea of prison, as an institution, completely abandoned within a decade. If you can imagine a world where the worst, most heinous black criminals only ever get sentenced to house arrest while the least violent, pro-White advocate gets sent to ADX Florence over a freeway banner drop, then you wouldn’t be far off from the grim future that I suspect will become a reality within our lifetime. By saturating the public with a constant deluge of stories about prison inadequacies and outrageous jailhouse scandals, the system will eventually manufacture the consent needed to close these places for good, and instead keep one or two federal dungeons around for the real threats to this star-spangled banana republic with nukes: White dissidents.
Power has factored in many of its more recent embarrassing defeats as simple losses. But how many losses can they write off? We’ll know soon enough, and when that happens, we’ll finally wake up from this dreadful American nightmare. The hypocrisies, failures, humiliating gaffes, and outright racial double standards of this nation’s once trusted institutions will be the smelling salts of revolution.
*Jack McKraken is a former New York State Corrections Officer turned pro-White dissident, free speech advocate, author, and activist. For more on his experiences as a prison guard in supermax prisons, you can check out his book Livin’ the Dream on Antelope Hill Publishing.*
“ While the decision to obliterate what few standards that Department had left might entice more non-Whites into tackling their convicted co-ethnics”
I would assume that it pays better for them to use a position as an officer to smuggle contraband and ignore transgressions…
[…] of living. However, much of the problem is due to the massive crime wave. Fueled by bail reform and chaos at the City’s main detention facility, Rikers Island, there has been a mass exodus of the […]
[…] authors with experience in the industry have written extensively about how the system fails the taxpayer, inmate, and corrections officer under today’s […]